Computer Vision Syndrome describes a group of eye symptoms and vision-related problems that result from prolonged “screen-time” use of electronic devices, such as computers, tablets, digital notepads, e-readers, smartphones, cell-phones, etc.
According to experts, 80% of learning is visual which can affect school performance. A comprehensive exam for young children is an absolute must to ensure proper development and healthy eyes.
Learn more about what problems can be spotted with an eye exam, what’s involved in a comprehensive exam, and special considerations for kids and contacts.
We offer emergency services that require immediate and urgent eye care. If your eye is injured, don't try to judge the severity of it. Did you know your optometrist can help you with red eyes, pink eye, or sore eyes, foreign body removal and eye emergencies?
We use the most up-to-date technology to ensure the best eye care possible. Learn about the different types of tests and equipment you may experience on a visit to our Practice.
Unlike a routine eye exam that assesses your visual system and eye health, anyone who was diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes requires an additional test for their eye exam.
Is your vision blurred or cloudy? Seeing dark spaces in the center of your vision? You might have an eye disease. Contact us for effective treatment and experience a heightened quality of life.
Look to us for co-management of LASIK, cataract, and other ocular surgery.
Dry eyes result from the chronic lack of lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye, which can cause minor irritations, an inability to wear contact lenses and an increased risk of corneal inflammation and eye infections.
Sports eyewear can give you the performance edge you're seeking for just about any sport (tennis, racquetball, etc.) or recreational activity (hunting, fishing, etc.). It can also provide the safety and eye protection you need as well.
Are you bothered by red, itchy eyes? You may have allergies.
Did you know your optometrist can help you with red eyes, pink eye, or sore eyes, foreign body removal and eye emergencies?
From the occasional eyelash that gets in your eye to a piece of grit or even a metal shard, you may find yourself with something in your eye.
Did you know your optometrist can help you with red eyes, pink eye, or sore eyes? You don't have to go to your primary care physician for help with these issues.
As a child quickly develops and the myopia rapidly progresses, the child is at a higher risk of developing dangerous eye diseases later in life, such as retinal detachment, macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts. Learn how myopia management can help.
Even without knowing the term "dry eye" or "Dry Eye Syndrome", if you suffer from it, then you are all too familiar with the soreness, discomfort, and even the constant misery that can come with dry eyes.
People with various corneal conditions can see clearly once again by wearing scleral lenses. Those who couldn’t wear contact lenses due to eye conditions or discomfort are able to correct their vision safely & successfully.
The goal of glaucoma treatment is to lower intraocular pressure by causing fluid to drain. If other forms of glaucoma treatment are deemed ineffective, glaucoma surgery offers an excellent alternative, as it can stall vision loss by preventing further damage to your optic nerve.